Lake Fertő

Lake Fertő

We recommend Anita Apartman Sopront! and the Hegykő-Apartment!

The city is presenting all the different ages and styles. You can find all the Gothic, baroque, Renaissance architectures
btween the tight alleys, but you can also find some small cosy wine pubs as well.
The Lővérek is the most prestigious holiday place in the city wich has magical places nearby.
Peacful forest with pine and oak trees and unique flowers.
The habbitants of the city are famous their great hospitality and their loyalty to their homeland.,
That shows the symbol of the firetower’s gate of loyalty wich recolles the momory of the referendum in 1921.The greap and the
wine culture is 2000 years old in Sopron.
Sopron is named as „The City of the wine history” , and it wears it proudly.
The wine region wich lays at the bottom of Alps has a famous wine named Kékfrankos wich can be refreshing for a thirsty